The New:
As I mentioned above, I was recently invaded with tiny ants. Gross. I needed a way to get rid of them, but I didn't feel like buying ant killer that was expensive and chalk full of chemicals. So after a little research, I stumbled upon a pretty simple way to take care of the problem here.
I heated 1/4 cup of water in the mircowave, added 1/2 cup sugar and 1/2 tablespoon borax to it, stirred it all up, and placed it in a shallow lid for the ants to feast upon.
The Evidence:
I stored the extra in an old gravy jar, just in case those little pests feel like coming back.
This picture and the next were taken about an hour and a half after I first set the concoction out. I used the toothpick to smear some of the syrupy liquid on the side of the plastic lid so the ants would find it faster.
These next two pictures were from six hours after first putting it out. You'll notice that all the ants are gone from the outer edge, and upon closer inspection, so was the syrup. This had to mean that they had eaten it and/or taken it back to their colony.
It's important to realize that this method will draw more ants in at first, but just wait....
The Verdict:
This method worked wonders for my ant problem. I first set the solution out at noon yesterday and by six o'clock tonight, there were just a few stray ants wandering around. There are about a dozen ants in the syrup, but they are all dead, so I guess that if I needed proof, it was laying right there for me to see.
If I ever ever ever have another ant problem, this will be my go-to fix, without question. Just one quick warning though: borax is toxic if ingested so you have to keep it away from kids and pets. It's worth it though, because those ants are DEAD!
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