Friday, December 25, 2015

Graduation Shadow Box

After taking the time to decorate my cap for graduation, I wasn't about to toss it in the back of my closet until I had something better to do with it. I came up with something better right away! I decided the best thing for me to do is to put it in a shadow box with my cords so that I can display it with my diploma. Here's how I did it:

Shadow box (I used a 12"x12" box that I got from Hobby Lobby. If you use the 40% off coupon that                         they have each week, it become really affordable! You could also get a bigger one if                             you wanted to fold up your gown and include in the box as a background.)
Graduation garb
Small pins

There isn't much to this project aside from arranging the items and pinning them down to the backing well enough for them to stay put when you hang it up.


  • It's probably best to place the biggest items where you want them first. Smaller items are easier to squeeze in somewhere.
  • If you aren't happy with your first (or second, or third) placement of all your items, don't be afraid to take everything off and start all over. 
  • Don't pin anything down until you're happy with the entire placement. It could end up being more work in the long run if you have to keep unpinning things.
  • Remember that it's okay for some things to stick out a bit. The whole point of a shadow box is to display something that isn't flat!
If you have any other tips, suggestions, or questions, don't hesitate to use the comments section to express them! Good luck fellow crafters!

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