Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Week 43: New Pomegranate Tea

If you haven't already figured it out, I LOVE TEA. It is my absolutely favorite drink and I love making new kinds of tea. A few weeks ago, I made pomegranate tea for the first time ever and learned quite a bit in the process. Here's what I did:

The New:
Here is a wonderful recipe for homemade unsweet pomegranate tea. I should warn you though, there is a right way to do this and a wrong way to do this. I assure you, after trying both, you are going to want to stick to the easier one. The first couple steps are the same either way: Brew some tea (1 quart per pomegranate), slice open the pomegranates, pull out all the seeds and set them to the side, and dispose of everything else. Now this is the point where it could go one of two ways. First, let me tell you what NOT to do:

Being that I had never done this before, I had no idea what I was doing, but I did know that I needed to squish the seeds to get the juice out. So I put a couple spoonfuls of seeds into a strainer and attempted to smash them with a spoon so the juice would come out and drain into a bowl. After a couple tries at this, the juice seemed to be everywhere except in the bowl, and the seeds were still mostly uncrushed. So in an attempt to keep the juice off my shirt, tablecloth, and kitchen walls, I used a small plate to block the splatter, which of course made it even harder as now I couldn't see what I was doing.

I grew increasingly frustrated and I decided that I would just give up, put the unused seeds into a bag, and snack on them for the next couple of days. However, as I was putting them into the bag, the right way to do this!

After pulling out all the seeds, place them into a ziplock bag, seal it tight and smash them in the bag with your fingers. So much quicker. So much cleaner. So much more fun! After smashing all the seeds, I cut a teeny tiny hole in the corner of the bag (small enough so that the seed part wouldn't come out with the juice) and poured all the juice straight into the brewed tea. It was quite the adventure, but I'm glad I found an easier way to do it! Here is the best way to make pomegranate tea in step-form, rather than story-form:

1 quart of tea per pomegranate

1. Brew tea.
2. Slice open pomegranates and pull seeds out and place them in a ziplock bag. Dispose of everything else.
3. Smash seeds in the bag to get the juice out. Cut a small hole in the corner of the bag, and make sure it is small enough to keep the seeds in while letting the juice out. Pour the juice into the tea, and enjoy!

The Evidence:

The Verdict:
This tea was delicious and very flavorful. I will definitely be making this again, now that I have discovered the simple of doing it! I would definitely recommend trying it if you like pomegranates and tea.

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